Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sinterklaas Queenforum banner online

Yesterday my Sinterklaas banner was put online on . I think it looks good. Here can you find the link to the Queenforum.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

More greek photo's

As promised more photos of my infamous greek serie. Maybe I'll upload more, but I think it is time to make some new photo's at home. And some new photoshop work should be able to come your way.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Greek Photos

I've been to Greece this year and today I was scrolling through my pictures file and I found some great photo's, so I decided to upload a few. This is my infamous "Palm Tree Series".

Friday, November 25, 2005

New template

I've tried a new template, because the other was was starting to bore me. This one is very very simple, but I like that. I'm playing a bit with the colors, the link colors still have to be changed as well as the font colors. The color of the post titles and blog titles is #9E0000, the text is going to be grey: #616161 or #9E9E9E . The links going to be something witht he following color; #EB0000 or #9E3500 or #EB4E00 . Interesting link for color schemes can be found here.
So come back in a few days and it is changed here completely.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Queenforum Banner

Again it was time for a new banner for This for the commemoration of the day Freddie Mercury died. This banner was used as inspiration.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Creative Lights

I've shot these pictures during my bicycle ride home from school. Some pictures are moved because I shot the pictures riding my bicycle but that still creates something cool to my pictures. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 14, 2005

The new middle part.

New topleft

This is the new top left I've used. I'm currently trying a bit to change the template, because I don't really like standard templates, but I like the style, so it really is customizing.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Sinterklaas QueenForum Banners

These are some banners I've created, I'm still a bit searching for the one that will be used. But I think the banner above is the most promising. The one in the middle is very subtle and the last one is a bit too much.

This is a recent Photoshop I did. I'm a member of the biggest Dutch QueenForum. And in Holland yesterday Sinterklaas arrived, Sinterklaas is a childrens celebration. Children get presents and candy, it is a bit like Santa Clause.
For the forum I Photoshoped the members of Queen a bit in a Sinterklaas atmosphere. It is merely for fun this picture. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 12, 2005

My recent Photohsop work

I'm currently using Photoshop 7.0, this because my laptop is too slow to be able to work with Photoshop CS or Photoshop CS 2.0 . But Photoshop 7.o will do just fine.
I've been creating some PhotoSoups. Which I'll be posting here so now and then.

Friday, November 11, 2005

A lovely Schnitzel

A lovely schnitzel, just like I like to have them. Well this is probably the only Schnitzel related picture and text you will find here.

Welcome to the Schnitzel Paradise

Hello all,

This is my first post on the Snitzel Paradise. I'll be updating my blog every day, or at least I will try. Where will I'll be talking about?
Euhm not too much about Schnitzels although I love Schnitzels.
You can see this as a kind of place where you have an opportunity to look into my brains and see my work. I'm currently studying Industrial Design so sometimes I'll do something which I will be posting here so that you people can give feedback on it.
If you want to know more, email me or comment.
