Monday, May 29, 2006


The proof I'm a superhero. Click here.


No this is not about the MSN buzzer, although that thing irritates me most.
Buzzer is a dutch agency which works on the word of mouth campaign.
People can sign in there, and fill in a profile with things they like and about what they like to talk.
The copmpany (Buzzer) has contacts with different businesses and on a certain moment gets products to be tested and to be talked about.
Then depending on your profile a test is sent and when there is a match, there can be signed up for the campaign.
Well now what is a campaign?? People get the product at home (this can be a book, CD, game, service etc.) . They can keep this product and try it out. The clue is that they talk to other people about it and tell them more about the product. In this way spread the word of the product.
The people then report back to Buzzer to whom they talked, what they think of the product etc.
I lately was selected to buzz the game: "Vroeger of Later" from Jumbo. You can get an impression of the game on the site of "Vroeger of Later". I can't tell you yet what I think about it, because I met my friends sunday, but it was our cinema night :-).
So as soon as I can tell you all more about it if the game is worth playing. I'll let you know.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Cheap printing

A lot of ID students with me will know this problem. You have to print your final report. Printing it at the faculty is useless, it looks crap. Same problem when you want to print your portfolio, printing this will approximately cost you 100 euros or more.
Today I found this great service on called Lulu.
They print books, but for several of their issues, you need a small amount of pages(35) to have it printed. And you also can order just one copy. Cool if your write books, but portfolio's and end reports must be able too. So check out the site and who knows maybe it can help you.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Improbable Research

I saw the link to the institute of improbable research today when looking at Nu.
This institute recently opened a new European research bureau in Rotterdam in the Natural History Museum Rotterdam.

Their goal is " to make people laugh, then make them think. We also hope to spur people's curiosity about science, and to raise the question: How do you decide what's important and what's not, and what's real and what's not -- in science and everywhere else? "

Great site with all kind of research topics you think, euhm yes, and later you really start thinking, there is something interesting about it. Just like their idea about using dogs internal clock for medicating people, see here.

Murder (2)

Friday we made the floor decoration on school, as you can see a bit down.
Now there has been this action of Spits (a Dutch newspaper) together with 6Pack (cool tv show) to cut out "a t-shirt" from the Spits. The idea was to make a picture with something that wore the shirt and MMS it to the 6Pack site.
This is what someone who helped on the floor decoration send in, I think it is a good one;
More entries can be seen here.

Friday, May 19, 2006


Today it was time for some fun at school. Someone decided that a bit of floor decoration was needed. Inspired by Baantjer, the famous Dutch detective serie the following decoration was created. Now see how long the tape sticks to the floor.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Share links

Today I want to share some cool links with you all.
First of all: A dutch radiostation 3 fm made a cover of We are the Wolrd from USA for Africa.
They called it We are the Worst. The singing is bad, but it is great fun to watch.
Watch here.

Second a blog I read almost everyday from the magazine Bright. Unfortunately for some people it is in Dutch. It is a kind of Tech, Design and lifestyle magazine with an online blog. They have some great links and all kind of things evryday. To see the blog, click here.
They had this great link there yesterday to Peekvid.
This is an site where videos that are posted on youtube and googlevideo are found together. Mainly tv series, music videos and anime. Well the anime isn't very interesting but the music videos and series are.
Another interesting nlog I read from time to time is the DECO blog.
This blog mainly is about products with a user interface, but still sometimes very interesting things pop up here. So always worth to read quickly.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Folding screen

Another project finished for school is a folding screen. Three MDF plates, 9 mm thick, 2 by 1 m. The folding screen will function as a wall to hang inspiration and ideas.The brown areas will be used as notice board, sort of softboard. Well normally it is used as an foundation for parquet, but I'm using it to stick pins in it.

Lamp speakers

I've been playing with this idea for quite a while, put speakers into lamps. Lately I decided to finish this project and actually built the speakers. I
bought some cheap speakers from the local computer store. A friend of my mum was so friendly to give me two old lamps.

First I removed the speaker cases and cut all the wires. I then soldered soem wires again and glued the speakers into the lamps. Then I soldered the rest of the wires.
To be honest it will not bve completely safe with 220V and just some ducktape as isolation.
The sound is also not supreme as I already used cheap boxes, I put them upright and put them in a covering case.
But here some pictures to show it:
My desk with the two lamps as speakers.The control unit.The speaker in a lamp.